Five South Classic Joke Page
You remember way back in the Vintage Five South days, when we had those jokes that we never got tired of telling? Over and over and over.  And over.  And over some more?  Okay, come to think of it, we DID get tired of them.  But now it might be fun to revisit some of them.  C'mon, you know you have a few tucked back between the laundry tokettes and #10 cards deep in the recesses of your brain; give!

Okay, I'll start with a few that I can remember, but I'm, gonna need a lot of help here....
Five South Classic Joke #1:

Q: How does a Five Souther make his penis nine inches long?
A: He folds it in thirds.

Five South Classic Joke #2:

Q: What do you do with an elephant with three balls?
A: Intentionally walk him and pitch to the giraffe instead.

Five South Classic Joke #3:

There is a lady with no arms or legs sitting on the beach in her wheelchair sobbing.  A man walks by and asks her why she's crying.

She says, "I'm 23 years old and I've never been hugged." So the man hugs her.

The next day the man sees the girl crying again and asks why. She says, "I'm 23 years old and I've never been kissed." So the man kisses her passionately.

The next day she is crying once more. He askes her "What's wrong now??!"  She says, "I'm 23 years old and I've never been fucked."

So he scoops her up in his arms, throws her into the ocean and says "Now you're fucked!!"