Five South Mailing List Page
This website might as well do something useful once in awhile, so how about we use it to maintain our mailing list?  I have the electronic version in my hot little fist, so it makes sense for me to maintain, updated, and distribute it on an as-needed basis.

I don't want to post this vital data on-line, for all prying eyes, jackbooted government thugs, and international perverts to peruse at their leisure, so if this makes sense to everyone, let's just keep it on an e-mail basis, okay?

If you have an UPDATE to any information in your own listing (address, phone number, fax, preferred e-mail, identifying scars, new aliases to evade the authorities) just send the update to me in an e-mail to

If you NEED a fresh copy of the latest list, email me at and (assuming you are not some pervert I don't recognize) (only perverts I DO recognize need apply) I'll send it along.  Be sure to specify if you need some bizarre, unholy format and I'll try to comply; otherwise, I'll just attach it in Microsoft Word or whatever the Justice Department will be calling it soon.