The Frank Burns Memorial Trivia Quiz
Frank has kindly supplied us with these trivia questions. After enough people have had a chance to guess at them (and after frank supplies them!), I'll post the answers on the main arcane knowledge page.  But for now, guess away!  You can email in the answers, or post them on the Message Board.  Or discuss them in the Chat Room.  Or cram them up your chimney if you like, what the heck do I care?
The Questions:

1. What two 5-Southers (77-78) share the same birthday??  

2. What was the price of a Falstaff from Merkle's bar and fridge?

3. Name Hirum and Hal's houseboy.

4. What is a Quiv anyway?

5. What color did your pee turn from the meneghitis pills? (What a great puck that would have made.)

6. What is the Achenbach Theorem?

7. What is the Burns Corollary to the Achenbach Theorem?